January 19, 2025: Foreign Policy with Dr. Grant // PuroClean Veterans
Tune in for a US Foreign Policy Update with Dr. Rebecca Grant
Dr. Rebecca Grant is a national security analyst based in Washington, DC. She earned her PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics at age 25 then worked for RAND and on the staff of the Secretary of the Air Force and Chief of Staff of the Air Force.
Since founding IRIS Independent Research, she has specialized in research for government and aerospace industry clients ranging from analysis of military campaigns to projects on major technology acqusition such as the B-21 bomber.
Dr. Grant has written over 100 articles for Air Force Magazine and appears regularly on the Smithsonian Channel, Fox News, CNN, Veterans Radio and other media outlets talking about airpower and national security.
She lives in the Washington, DC area with her husband and daughter and spends her leisure time with Thoroughbred ex-racehorses off the track. She has flown with the United States Air Force in the T-38, E-3 AWACS, B-52, F-16 Aggressors, F-15 in Exercise Cope North and in the B-2 Spirit bomber.
We also hear from two Veterans who work in the PuroClean industry
Host Jim Fausone speaks with George Hernandez and U.L. Armstrong about their experiences in the military and their work with PuroClean, helping others in times of need.

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