Radio on the River Afterglow
This broadcast is the wrap-up following the Radio on the River event where our special guests mingled with veterans and patriots and shared their stories of service.
The board members of Veterans Radio America would like to thank our speakers and our sponsors for their unfailing support of our mission – to continue to share stories of America’s greatest national treasure – our men and women in uniform!
Radio on the River Afterglow - Sept 25, 2022

William Kerkstra
USMC veteran who served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait, as well as back here in the states

Arthur Fishman
WWII Navy veteran and the 2022 Michigan Veteran of the Year

Maj. Gen. Henderson
Marine pilot in Vietnam and with the Michigan Air National Guard

CPT Thomas P. Stempky
Army pilot who served in Vietnam as a Gunship Platoon Leader with the 189th Assault Helicopter Company

CAPT Brian Gawne
Navy pilot and combat veteran of six fleet tours in fighter aircraft

Major Sponsors
Legal Help for Veterans, Northville, MI
Arrow Strategies, Southfield, MI
Fisher House Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 310, Ann Arbor, MI
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