October 20, 2019
This week’s one hour radio broadcast begins as host Dale Throneberry discusses the latest news of a military withdrawal from Syria with Dana Pittard and Wes Bryant, co-authors of Hunting the Caliphate.
In the second half of the program Dale talks with Rebecca Grant about this new development and other global hot spots.
Military Analysis: Balance of Power in the Middle East

Master Sargeant Wes Bryant, Special Ops
Wes Bryant retired from the U.S. Air Force in 2018 at the rank of Master Sergeant after twenty years of active duty service. In 2014, as a senior Special Operations Forces Tactical Air Control Party-Joint Terminal Attack Controller (SOF TACP-JTAC), he was part of the elite special operations task force chosen to secure Baghdad and northern Iraq against the newly emerged threat of ISIS.
Embedded with Special Forces teams under a Navy SEAL task force, Wes was the tactical lead for a contingent of special operations JTACs to first set foot in Iraq to stop ISIS. As the senior enlisted JTAC to establish the BIAP Strike Cell, Bryant coordinated and controlled the first airstrikes against ISIS in the Baghdad region. He later deployed as the senior Special Tactics JTAC for special operations task forces hunting ISIS in Syria and Afghanistan.
Wes is the co-author of Hunting the Caliphate. He and co-author Dana J.H. Pittard give a fascinating and no-holds-barred account of America’s fight against one of the most barbaric insurgencies the world has ever seen. www.huntingthecaliphate.com

Major General Dana Pittard
Major General Dana Pittard retired from the U.S. Army in 2015 after thirty-four years of active duty service.
Pittard was a highly decorated combat leader and commanded units at every echelon from platoon through division, including multiple combat tours in Iraq and the Middle East. In 2014, he was chosen to lead the initial U.S. response to halt the aggressive spread of ISIS in Iraq.
Dana earned a B.S. from West Point, a master’s degree from the School of Advanced Military Studies at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and attended the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University as a Senior Fellow.
Dana is the co-author of Hunting the Caliphate. He and co-author Wes Bryant give a fascinating and no-holds-barred account of America’s fight against one of the most barbaric insurgencies the world has ever seen. www.huntingthecaliphate.com

Dr. Rebecca Grant, IRIS Research
Dr. Rebecca Grant is a Military Historian/Author/Commentator and President of IRIS Independent Research.
Dr. Rebecca Grant is a national security analyst based in Washington, DC. She earned her PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics at age 25 then worked for RAND and on the staff of the Secretary of the Air Force and Chief of Staff of the Air Force. Since founding IRIS Independent Research, she has specialized in research for government and aerospace industry clients ranging from analysis of military campaigns to projects on major technology acqusition such as the B-21 bomber. Dr. Grant has written over 100 articles for Air Force Magazine and appears regularly on the Smithsonian Channel, Fox News, CNN, Veterans Radio and other media outlets talking about airpower and national security.
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