May 23, 2021

This week’s one hour radio broadcast with host Dale Throneberry has three guests.

  • John Bird, Virtual Poppy Wall, VIce Admiral, US Navy (ret) Sr Vice President, USAA
  • Kevin Walsh, President and CEO, Yankee Air Museum
  • Rebecca Grant, IRIS Research, National Security Analyst

Virtual Poppy Wall - Thunder Over Michigan - Rebecca Grant Military Analyst

Hosted by Dale Throneberry

Poppy Wall

2021 Memorial Day Poppy Wall Tributes

Despite less than half of Americans (43%) understanding the true meaning of Memorial Day, and many confusing it with Veterans Day, the majority of Americans (83%) do believe it’s important to do something to commemorate Memorial Day.

This Memorial Day weekend, USAA is bringing back its virtual Poppy Wall of Honor to give all Americans a unique opportunity to pause and remember the more than 645,000 military servicemembers who’ve given their lives for our country since World War I.

USAA, a financial services provider founded nearly 99 years ago by military members and continues to serve the military community and their families, created the digital Poppy Wall of Honor to offer Americans a chance to honor and remember the fallen. The experience, found at, offers visitors the opportunity to dedicate a virtual poppy in honor of loved ones that they’ve lost in service to our country. Additionally, the website includes information about why the poppy has become a symbol of remembrance, the ability to learn about each military conflict and the losses suffered, and several other ways Americans can #HonorThroughAction this year.

This is the second consecutive year that USAA has held the virtual experience which, due to the pandemic, replaced the physical Poppy Wall of Honor that was installed on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. in 2018 and 2019.

Yankee Air Museum, Ypsilanti Michigan

Thunder Over Michigan Tickets on Sale NOW

August 7th and 8th, 2021

More Information:

Dr Rebecca Grant

Rebecca Grant, Military Analyst, IRIS Research

Dr. Rebecca Grant is a national security analyst based in Washington, DC.  She earned her PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics at age 25 then worked for RAND and on the staff of the Secretary of the Air Force and Chief of Staff of the Air Force.

Since founding IRIS Independent Research, she has specialized in research for government and aerospace industry clients ranging from analysis of military campaigns to projects on major technology acqusition such as the B-21 bomber.

Dr. Grant has written over 100 articles for Air Force Magazine and appears regularly on the Smithsonian Channel, Fox News, CNN,  Veterans Radio and other media outlets talking about airpower and national security. She has flown with the United States Air Force in the T-38, E-3 AWACS, B-52, F-16 Aggressors, F-15 in Exercise Cope North and in the B-2 Spirit bomber.

Listen to our past programs with Dr. Rebecca Grant

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