Medal of Honor Carpenter and Toys for Tots

US Marine Awarded Medal of Honor
On November 21, 2010, U.S. Marine Lance Corporal Kyle Carpenter was posted atop a building in violent Helmand Province, Afghanistan, when an enemy grenade skittered toward Kyle and a fellow Marine. Without hesitation, Kyle jumped on the grenade and some how lived, while severely injured, to tell about it. You are Worth It is a story of rebirth.
In 2014, Kyle was awarded the nation’s highest military decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his “singular act of courage” on that rooftop in Afghanistan, an action which had been reviewed exhaustively by the military. Kyle became the youngest living recipient of the award – and only the second living Marine so honored since Vietnam.
You Are Worth It is a memoir about the war in Afghanistan and Kyle’s heroics, and it is also a manual for living. Organized around the credos that have guided Kyle’s life (from “Don’t Hide Your Scars” to “Call Your Mom”), the book encourages us to become our best selves in the time we’ve been given on earth. Above all, it’s about finding purpose, regardless of the hurdles that may block our way.
Kyle discusses his family, military service, his Marines, and overcoming his struggles by taking one small step at a time with host Jim Fausone. You can follow Kyle’s blog on his website at

Marine Corp Toys for Tots
It is that time of year to help the Marine Corp Toys for Tots program. President and Chief Executive Officer for the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, retired Marine Corps Lieutenant General Pete Osman, will discuss how listeners can deliver joy to a child in need in their community this holiday season.
National Medal of Honor Day - March 25th

The United States Congress has designated March 25th of each year as National Medal of Honor Day, a day dedicated to Medal of Honor recipients. (Public Law 101-564)
The date of March 25th was chosen to highlight this special day because it was on March 25, 1863, that the first Medals of Honor were presented to six members of Andrews’ Raiders, all soldiers from Ohio.
Medal of Honor Readings
On our site there are readings of Medal of Honor stories, produced and recorded by Ken Rogge for Veterans Radio. Click on the MORE INFORMATION button to listen to these stories.
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