Jenna Carlton – The Millennial Veteran

Navy Veteran Jenna Carlton, known on social media as The Millennial Veteran, talks to host Jim Fausone about her time in the Navy, her transition to a government job, and an opinion piece written for Task & Purpose on the current military recruiting crisis. Carlton contends younger veterans will not help until their transition, mental health, and physical health issues are all addressed by the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs.
To learn more about Jenna and read her latest articles for Task & Purpose, click here
Learn more about “The Veteran Workbook,” a journal published by Jenna to help veterans as they transition out of the military.

Kevin Green & Bruce Lemkin – The Current State of NATO

As NATO approaches its 75th anniversary, Admiral (ret.) Kevin Green and Captain (ret.) Bruce Lemkin join Jim for a discussion on the value of NATO today. Is everyone paying their fair share? Is there a risk of isolationism in the future? These fellows of the American College of National Security Leaders (ACNSL) give a broad and knowledgeable perspective of world threats and the value of NATO.

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