Father Emil Kapaun, Soldier and Chaplain - March 2020

Encore Broadcast from 2018, Hosted by Bob Gould

 Chaplain from Pilsen, Kansas


Father Kapaun, Pilsen, Kansas, US ArmyIn 1950, Father Emil J. Kapaun, Chaplain, US Army, a native of Pilsen, Kansas, was Chaplain of the 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Calvary Division, Korea. He distinguished himself on the field of battle, both, as a soldier and a Chaplain. During the early days of the Korean War Father Kapaun, ministered both spiritually and physically to his fellow soldiers, particularly the sick, wounded and dying.

Captured and Confined

Captured, 2 November 1950 by North Korean-Chinese Soldiers, Father Kapaun was confined at Prison Camp #5, Pyoktong, North Korea until his death, at the hands of his captors, 23 May 1951.

Granted title of “Servant of God” by the Catholic Church Father Kapaun is the Most Decorated Chaplain in US military history.

In April of 2013 President Obama awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for Father Kapaun.

The Miracle of Father Kapaun

Father Kapaun Army Medal of Honor Korean War BIO

Join Veterans Radio Host Bob Gould and guests: Father John Hotze, Priest and Judicial Vicar for the Catholic Diocese of Wichita, Roy Wenzl, national award winning reporter for the Wichita Eagle and co-author of The Miracle of Father Kapaun, William “Bill” Funchess, soldier and fellow POW who was there at camp 5, all together to honor a great humanitarian.

The Miracle of Father Kapaun is available in hard cover, paperback and DVD.

National Medal of Honor Day – March 25th

The United States Congress has designated March 25th of each year as National Medal of Honor Day, a day dedicated to Medal of Honor recipients. (Public Law 101-564)

The date of March 25th was chosen to highlight this special day because it was on March 25, 1863, that the first Medals of Honor were presented to six members of Andrews’ Raiders, all soldiers from Ohio. 

Medal of Honor Readings

On our site there are readings of Medal of Honor stories,  produced and recorded by Ken Rogge for Veterans Radio.

Click here to listen to these heroes stories.

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