March 28, 2021

Join Dale and our regular panel of experts for our live broadcast on WAAM 1600am and WDTK 1400am – Sunday at 5:00pm ET.  (4:00pm CT, 3:00pm MT, 2:00pm PT)

 Also listen in for the Medal of Honor Reading for Korean Marine Duane Dewey, raised in the Grand Rapids / Muskegon, Michigan area. Reading produced by Ken Rogge for Veterans Radio.

 Click here to stream WDTK and WAAM

Have something to share? Call in during the program to ask your question or offer a comment.  734-822-1600

Veterans Afffairs

VA Benefits Experts on Deck

This is our monthly program on the VA and your benefits.

Join our guests:

  • Brig. Gen. Carol Ann Fausone (ret), Legal Help for Veterans
  • Michael G. Smith, Jr., Director of Washtenaw County (MI) Dept. of Veteran Affairs
  • Brian Hayes,  Public Affairs Officer, VA Ann Arbor

Call in to ask your question. 734-822-1600 => 5:00pm – 6:00pm ET | 2:00pm – 3:00pm PT

  • Disability Claims
  • Retroactive Compensation
  • Pension
  • Housing / Mortgage
  • Education
  • Insurance
2021 VA Benefits
Duane Dewey MOH Korea Marine


The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Corporal Duane Edgar Dewey (MCSN: 1189960), United States Marine Corps Reserve, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a Gunner in a Machine Gun Platoon of Company E, Second Battalion, Fifth Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), in action against enemy aggressor forces near Panmunjom, Korea, on 16 April 1952. When an enemy grenade landed close to his position while he and his assistant gunner were receiving medical attention for their wounds during a fierce night attack by numerically superior hostile forces, Corporal Dewey, although suffering intense pain, immediately pulled the corpsman to the ground and, shouting a warning to the other Marines around him, bravely smothered the deadly missile with his body, personally absorbing the full force of the explosion to save his comrades from possible injury or death. His indomitable courage, outstanding initiative, and valiant efforts in behalf of others in the face of almost certain death reflect the highest credit upon Corporal Dewey and enhance the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service.

Content from

Salute & Honor Program

Thank you Kate Melcher, Fisher House Michigan Executive Director, for sponsoring our first Medal of Honor reading for our Salute & Honor Program.  Kate honored all  Army Aviation brethren who fly “above the best.”

Would you like to Salute and Honor a fellow service man or woman? Or a Unit? Or a Military Event?

Click Here to Learn More About the Salute & Honor Program  

National Medal of Honor Day - March 25th

The United States Congress has designated March 25th of each year as National Medal of Honor Day, a day dedicated to Medal of Honor recipients. (Public Law 101-564)

The date of March 25th was chosen to highlight this special day because it was on March 25, 1863, that the first Medals of Honor were presented to six members of Andrews’ Raiders, all soldiers from Ohio. 

Medal of Honor Readings

On our site there are readings of Medal of Honor stories,  produced and recorded by Ken Rogge for Veterans Radio. Click on the MORE INFORMATION button to listen to these stories.

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