September 5, 2021
This week’s guests during our one hour radio broadcast with host Dale Throneberry:
- Michael Gier, Producer of “Healing the Heroes of 9-11”
- Melissa Engle, Therapeia Counseling
- Jeff King, Operations and Compliance at NVBDC
Anxious Times
Click here to watch this important video.
You will learn about non-drug therapies that will help veterans, first responders, and anyone who has experienced trauma in their life.
Healing the Heroes of 9-11
Michael Gier, producer, shares the 5 personal reflections of heroes from September 11, 2001.
“Healing the Heroes of 9-11” is directed/produced by Michael Gier and brought to you by 22Zero, a nonprofit organization that has helped thousands of military veterans and first responders struggling with PTS. The film features five 9-11 first responders as they discuss what they experienced and how it’s impacted their lives the last 20 years. Then they go through the Trauma Resiliency Protocol (TRP) and are interviewed afterwards to see if it made a difference; all five saw life changing results. The purpose of the film is to show that PTS can be healed; if 9-11 first responders can benefit from TRP then anyone battling PTS can also get their lives back. The film will be available online at no cost to the viewer on 9-11 in honor of the 20th anniversary.
Melissa Engle, Therapeia Counseling
It is Suicide Awareness Month. How appropriate given the approaching 20th anniversary of 9-11 and the current uneasy feelings of veterans, active duty, and the general public following the withdrawal of Allied support for the Afghanistan people, Americans, correspondents, and others at risk of Taliban terror.
Therapeia provides professional counseling to people living throughout Michigan. Their office is in Oakland County and we offer secure video sessions for your safety and convenience and in-office appointments for A.R.T.(Accelerated Resolution Therapy). They currently accept BCBS, CHAMPVA, and TRICARE (OON) only. We have staff that can provide services for a low as $30 per session if you do not have adequate coverage.
For more information: www.therapeiacounseling.com
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