WWI Review of Honors for Minority Troop Members

Hosted by Jim Fausone

An effort to honor World War I soldiers denied the Medal of Honor, possibly because of their race, is being coordinated by a small team of researchers at Park University.

The review will focus on minority soldiers, including Hispanic-American and Jewish-American members, who received a Distinguished Service Cross or were at least recommended for a Medal of Honor or the French Croix de Guerre with palm. 

Dr. Tim Westcott, a history professor at Park University and an 8 year Marine, is leading this effort.  He discusses the scope of the project, the standards being applied and the time frame with host Jim Fausone.  

National Medal of Honor Day – March 25th

The United States Congress has designated March 25th of each year as National Medal of Honor Day, a day dedicated to Medal of Honor recipients. (Public Law 101-564)

The date of March 25th was chosen to highlight this special day because it was on March 25, 1863, that the first Medals of Honor were presented to six members of Andrews’ Raiders, all soldiers from Ohio. 

Medal of Honor Readings

On our site there are readings of Medal of Honor stories,  produced and recorded by Ken Rogge for Veterans Radio. Click on the MORE INFORMATION button to listen to these stories.

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