This Week’s Program

This week’s one hour radio broadcast is with host Dale Throneberry, Vietnam CW2 pilot with the 195th Assault Helicopter Company, Jack Carr, former Navy Seal, and Dr. Rebecca Grant, a well-known national security analyst and frequent guest on Veterans Radio.

The news of the recent US Embassy bombing in Baghdad will take center stage.

Our live program will be broadcasting from Ann Arbor, MI on Sunday, January 5, 2020 from 5:00-6:00pm ET. (4:00pm CT, 3:00pm MT, 2:00pm PT)

Military Hotspots with Jack Carr and Dr. Grant

Hosted by Dale Throneberry

Jack Carr, Former Navy Seal and Author

Jack Carr is a former Navy SEAL who led special operations teams as a Team Leader, Platoon Commander, Troop Commander, Task Unit Commander, Operations Officer and Executive Officer. Over his 20 years in Naval Special Warfare he transitioned from an enlisted SEAL sniper specializing in communications and intelligence, to a junior officer leading assault and sniper teams in Iraq and Afghanistan, to a platoon commander practicing counterinsurgency in the southern Philippines, to commanding a Special Operations Task Unit in the most Iranian influenced section of southern Iraq throughout the tumultuous drawdown of U.S. Forces.

Jack Carr has written two political thrillers, THE TERMINAL LIST, and TRUE BELIEVER, with his third, SAVAGE SON coming out in April 2020.

Dr. Grant and IRIS Independent Research

IRIS Independent Research offers expertise across a wide range of subjects, including National Security, Global Military Operations, Missile Defense, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Drones and Unmanned Operations, Aerospace Technology, Airpower, and American Political Culture.

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