Clash of Civilizations - January 2018

HAppy Birthday Colonel Charles Kettles – Medal of Honor Recipient from Ypsilanti, Michigan
May 15, 1967 – Despite the intense enemy fire, Kettles maintained control of the aircraft and situation, allowing time for the remaining eight Soldiers to board the aircraft. In spite of the severe damage to his helicopter, Kettles once more skillfully guided his heavily damaged aircraft to safety. Without his courageous actions and superior flying skills, the last group of Soldiers and his crew would never have made it off the battlefield. Read the full details of Colonel Kettles military experiences
“We Gotta Try” is a song dedicated to Colonel Charles Kettles. It is written and performed by Charlie Horner.
Clash of Civilizations, A Trilogy
Join host Dale Throneberry this week on Veterans Radio as he interviews authors Lee and Vista Boyland who wrote the Clash of Civilizations Trilogy. The most frightening and realistic series of books we on Veterans Radio have read in years. The premise of their trilogy rings true with all of our imaginations and fears.
Don’t miss this interview and make sure you read the Clash of Civilizations Trilogy.
The first book of the trilogy, The Rings of Allah, tells the story of a terrorist attack using simple nuclear devices. It is told from the terrorists’ perspective and provides the reader with understandable descriptions of simple nuclear weapons and how they can be hidden in or cities. What would happen after a catastrophic attack that destroyed five cities? Could America survive? How?
The answers are provided in the second book, Behold, an Ashen Horse. The reader is introduced to advanced weapons, some of which are in the news today.
The third book of the trilogy, America Reborn, ends with America’s new president, George Alexander, beginning the process of forming a new government. He leads the nation back to its roots in the Constitution and the Founding Fathers’ wisdom. Alexander has to end the war with the Islamic Empire and face drug cartel lords who think America is weak and attempt to cross the border and take over.
Lee and his wife Vista have endeavored to follow the example set by Tom Clancy, technical accuracy when telling about battles and weapons. Historical events provide anchors whenever possible. The Clash-of-Civilizations trilogy is the story of a nation coming together and finding out that it still has the right stuff.
About the Author
Lee Boyland, an award winning author, has a degree in Nuclear Engineering, is a weapons expert, former Explosive Ordnance Disposal Army officer and commander of a Nuclear Emergency Team. He participated in nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site. As a civilian, he designed special ordnance and demilitarize chemical weapons at Rocky Mountain Arsenal and Tooele Army Depot for the Army.
Lee and his wife and coauthor, Vista, live in Florida where Lee is a frequent guest on talk radio shows nationwide.
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