Veteran Jobs with Pingree Detroit and Roush Industries

Jim Fausone, Legal Help for Veterans, is our program host. Listen in and learn about two Detroit area businesses that will explain why veterans make good employees and how even one-time homeless veterans can turn out great products and get back on their feet.

Pingree Detroit

Pingree Detroit Veteran EmployerPingree is a worker-owned, social impact company founded in January of 2015 to create resiliency and living wage work for veterans and Detroiters and to create sustainable products that maximize well-being. The Pingree team of Detroit makes handcraft bags, accessories and footwear, using high-quality leather reclaimed from the Detroit auto industry.

Every one of our goods has character and purpose. Just like the people who make it.  Find your piece of Pingree Here.


Roush Industries

John Gardner is our guest to explain the Roush Veterans Initiative Program.

“Our support of Veterans starts at the top with our chairman, Jack Roush and is part of the culture that makes Roush a great place to work.”

Roush INdistries Veterans Initiatives Program

“At Roush, you will be a member of a team that works to create the best, most innovative products and solutions for our customers quickly and efficiently, using cutting edge technologies. We offer a wide range of services to our customers and, as a result, work on a variety of challenging projects. The ability to be flexible and adapt to change are key factors that contribute to our success in a very demanding industry.”

You can find more information about their Veterans Initiative Program on their website and social media pages.



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