Ken Burns New Documentary Release - The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War, A Film by Ken Burns
This week on Veterans Radio we will talk about the PBS film, The Vietnam War, and other stories of importance to America’s military.
Guests include:
- Brian Hayes from the Ann Arbor VA
- Michael Smith from the Washtenaw County Veterans Service Office
- Dr. Michael Mann, Professor of Surgery and Director of the Cardiothoracic Translational Research Lab at the University of California, San Francisco, author of “Mission Failed”, a revealing look at VA failures that have resulted in loss of life
- Dr. Joseph Boscarino PhD, MPH, Senior Scientist for the Geisinger Center for Health Research and researcher on PTSD. Dr. Boscarino is a US Army Vietnam combat veteran himself, and believes vets should watch with caution. “Some will have a recurrence of their experience.” Dr. Boscarino, who conducts research related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) says “The experience doesn’t really go away. You just learn to manage it.”
PTSD and Veterans Crisis Line
Dr. Boscarino has advice for Vietnam veterans who plan to watch the PBS series. Vietnam Veterans should relax, avoid alcohol and try not to be alone. “Watch with other vets so you have a support group,” he said. “And if you are having issues such as anger, anxiety, or emotional arousal, you probably shouldn’t watch the series at all.” Above all, if veterans feel overwhelmed after they start watching the series, Dr. Boscarino reminds them to contact VA help lines and continue counseling services.
Veterans Radio posts the Veterans Crisis Line information at the top of every page. PTSD is real. Maybe you or someone you know will need this service. Click here to reach the VA’s website on PTSD.
After a trauma or life-threatening event, it is common to have reactions such as upsetting memories of the event, increased jumpiness, or trouble sleeping. If these reactions do not go away or if they get worse, you may have Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
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