June 5, 2022

Our guests:

  • Dr. Rebecca Grant, IRIS Research and frequent guest on Veterans Radio
  • Raymond Tarabusi, Ninth Infantry Division, Omaha Beach, June 12, 1944

Dr. Rebecca Grant and D-Day Purple Heart Recipient Raymond Tarabusi

Hosted by Dale Throneberry

Dr. Rebecca Grant Military Strategy

Dr. Rebecca Grant Update on Russia/Ukraine Conflict


This week Veterans Radio’s Host Dale Throneberry welcomes frequent program guest Dr. Rebecca Grant.

Military Historian/Author/Commentator and President of  IRIS Independent Research.

Dr. Grant has written over 100 articles for Air Force Magazine and appears regularly on the Smithsonian Channel, Fox News, CNN,  Veterans Radio and other media outlets talking about airpower and national security.  She lives in the Washington, DC area with her husband and daughter and spends her leisure time with Thoroughbred ex-racehorses off the track.   She has flown with the United States Air Force in the T-38, E-3 AWACS, B-52, F-16 Aggressors, F-15 in Exercise Cope North and in the B-2 Spirit bomber.  

Ray Tarabusi DDAY combat Soldier and Purple Heart Recipient

Ray Tarabusi – A Combat Soldier from the Greatest Generation

Raymond attended Southeastern High School and graduated in 1943.  Shortly thereafter, he was called for service with the army and was trained as a combat infantry soldier.   He served with both the Second Indianhead Division and the famous Ninth Infantry Regiment.

On June 6, 1944, the allies landed in Normandy, France on Omaha Beach.  The second division landed on June 7, 1944, and Raymond went in on June 12, 1944.  The month of June was very active, and he and his platoon were in constant contact with the Germans. In mid-July near Hill 192, the highest elevation in Normandy, the Ninth, the Thirty-Eight and the Twenty-Third Regiments attacked the position on the hill and after the second assault we took control of the hill and gained the advantage in that area.  During this battle, Raymond was shot on July 31st and again wounded on August 3rd.  Raymond remained one of the last men standing in his division.  He was evacuated by a C-47 to Birmingham, England to recover.  After his recovery, Raymond was sent back to the United States and discharged in December 1945.

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