October 10, 2021

This week’s one hour radio broadcast includes host Jim Fausone and his guests:

  • Captain Paul Ryan (ret) US Naval Reserves
  • Brig. Gen. Carlos Martinez (ret) US Air Force
  • Brig. Gen. Joseph Medina (ret), US Marine Corps

Michigan Military and Veterans Hall of Honor and Hispanic Veterans Leadership Alliance

Hosted by Jim Fausone

MICHIGAN Military and Veteran Hall of Honor

A Hall of Honor

Honor and Educate

The Michigan Military and Veterans Hall of Honor seeks to not only honor Michigan military veterans, but to also educate our citizens about military service as a basic and honorable duty of citizenship–to stir patriotic spirit, a sense of civic duty, and a sense of honor that calls people to arms.

Why a Hall of Honor?

Honor is a core military virtue that, unlike fame, implies true worth, genuine virtue, and real achievement – valorous and meritorious. As a Hall of Honor, we seek to recognize and honor military veterans, with due attention to their true military and civic virtue and achievement.

Hispanic Veterans Leadership Alliance logo

Hispanic Veterans Leadership Alliance

Mission: Our military leaders should mirror the face of America, reflecting the enlisted troops they lead and the public they protect.

The Hispanic Veterans Leadership Alliance (HVLA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization of senior leaders, military and civilian, committed to overcoming the profound lack of Hispanic diversity and inclusion throughout the senior ranks of the DoD. Our mission is to advance the inclusion of Latinos across all leadership levels in the US Armed Forces, military and civilian.

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All Gave Some. Some Gave All. Always Remember