March 13, 2022

This week’s one hour radio broadcast is pre-recorded.

Host Jim Fausone Interviews:

  • Matthew Griffin, Combat Flip Flops
  • Abe Kamarck, True Made Foods

Combat Flip Flops

Combat Flip Flops

Combat Flip Flops started when Army veteran Matthew Griffin noticed the safest areas in third worlds are where small businesses thrived. He wanted a business that could also do social good, such as educating girls in Afghanistan. He talks about his military career as an Army Ranger, what led him to starting Combat Flip Flops and the pull out of Afghanistan with host Jim Fausone.

Working at Combat Flip Flops isn’t a typical job. There’s no corner office. No water cooler. No break room. It’s more of a calling. A duty. A feeling in your soul that drives you to want to do something good. Something you actually care about. Like stopping the cycle of violence and human suffering around the world. We harnessed that compassion to create a new path forward. A way to create jobs, fund women’s education and improve people’s lives.

For More Information:

True Made Foods

True Made Foods


Navy veteran Abe Karmarck wants to remake America’s iconic condiments using foods that are rooted in tradition, heritage, and most importantly, the ground.  He tosses the sugar overboard and makes healthy ketchup and BBQ sauces. He discusses the 6 year voyage to get True Made Foods into stores across the nation.

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