May 17, 2020

Host: Dale Throneberry
Guests:  Leila Levinson and Melissa Engla, LPC

Host and producer Dale Throneberry interviews Leila Levinson, author of Gated Grief: The Daughter of a GI Concentration Camp Liberator Discovers a Legacy of Trauma.. While going through her father’s things after his death, Leila discovers photos of concentration camp victims her father helped liberate and also learns how this period of her father’s history ultimately affected him.

Dale Throneberry and Melissa Engle, LPC discuss A.R.T., a successful program of therapy that helps trauma victims lose the nightmares.

“Gated Grief”

Dale interviews Leila Levinson, author of Gated Grief: The Daughter of a GI Concentration Camp Liberator Discovers a Legacy of Trauma.. While going through her father’s things after his death, Leila discovers photos of concentration camp victims her father helped liberate and also learns how this period of her father’s history ultimately affected him.  

Leila’s book can be purchased on

A.R.T. Therapy

Dale Throneberry and Melissa Engle, LPC, a frequent contributor on Veterans Radio, discuss A.R.T., a successful program of therapy that helps trauma victims lose the nightmares.

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