COVID Vaccines, Tinnitus and Suicide, Buffalo Naval Park

This week’s one hour radio broadcast with host Jim Fausone includes VA news, an ARMY veteran, and the largest inland Navy Museum. Plus a medal of honor reading for Captain John Cromwell, WWII, Navy.

  • Recently approved COVID-19 vaccination regulations to include family and caregivers of veterans
  • Jason Lewis, champion and Army veteran that has served in Iraq and Afghanistan
  • John Branning, Superintendent of Ships at the Buffalo Naval Park

COVID Vaccines - Tinnitus - Buffalo Naval Park - April 2021

Hosted by Jim Fausone


New Regulations Expands Eligibility for Veterans and Their Families and Caregivers

Here’s information from the website.

These groups are now also eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine at VA when their local VA health facilities are able to offer more vaccines:

  • All Veterans 
  • Spouses and surviving spouses of Veterans
  • Caregivers of Veterans. For COVID-19 vaccine eligibility, we define a caregiver as a family member or friend who provides care to a Veteran. Caregivers may help a Veteran with personal needs like feeding, bathing, or dressing. They may also help a Veteran with tasks like shopping or transportation. 
  • Recipients of Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) benefits

For more information:

Vets With Tinnitus Jason Lewis

Army Veteran and Tinnitus Champion, Jason Lewis is a clearing house of information for veterans with Tinnitus.  Jason Lewis spent 10 years in the Army (Iraq and Afghanistan) and suffers from Tinnitus – that ringing or buzzing in the ear. It is different than hearing loss and is not “in your head.”

Jason explains his experiences, the efforts of VA and the need for protecting the ears of service members.  There are 1.7 Million veterans who have Tinnitus and it is a leading disability rating by VA.  Lewis discusses with host Jim Fausone the need for Support, Changes and Research in this field.

For more information regarding disability claims for tinnitus, start here at Legal Help for Veterans.

Buffalo Naval Park

Buffalo Naval Park

The Buffalo & Erie County Naval & Military Park is the largest inland Naval Park in the United States. Located on Buffalo’s Waterfront, this unique family destination features four decommissioned Naval vessels that served in a variety of military conflicts in our nation’s history.

The USS Little Rock is the last surviving vessel from the Cleveland-class of light cruisers in the world. The USS The Sullivans, the first ship in the U.S. Navy to be named for more than one person, is one of only four remaining examples from the Fletcher-class of destroyers in the world. The USS Croaker is a Gato-class submarine on the National Register of Historic Places. The PTF-17 is one of only 20 fast patrol boats from the Nasty-class to be built. It was used as a high-speed reconnaissance and patrol craft in Vietnam.

The Buffalo Naval & Military Park also features a beautifully manicured Monuments Garden, Museum, United States Military Exhibits, and a Maritime Simulator.

For more information:

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