Military Analysis and Update on the Korean War Memorial Wall of Names

Our guests:

Dr. Rebecca Grant,  Frequent guest on national news programs as well as Veterans Radio, provides fact-based global military analysis

Ted Barker, consultant to the DOD regarding the military personnel and actions in the Korean War

Dr Rebecca Grant

Dr. Rebecca Grant ON Global Military Standings

Welcome Dr. Rebecca Grant!

Dr. Grant is a Military Historian/Author/Commentator and President of IRIS Independent Research. She is a regular guest on Fox Business with Charles Payne and several other news channels to inform citizens of the facts related to global military status.

Dr. Grant covers the Russia Ukraine conflict and many other areas of interest around the world: North Korea’s missile launches in 2022, B-21 Stealth Bombing Reveal in December 2022, ARROW 3 Missile Defense Test Launch in December 2022.

Korean War Memorial

Errors Found on the Korean War Memorial Wall

Hal and Ted Barker have been administrators of the website since January of 1994. They began their quest for information in the late 70s when looking for more information about the Silver Star awarded to their father, Major Edward Lee Barker. Their personal quest quickly grew into a deeper interest, perhaps obsession, for all the military knowledge they could gather that related to the Korean War. 

Over those years they have pulled together with great effort a treasure trove of information related to the Korean War such as the records of the personnel and missions of the 3-year war in Korea. They also have enabled viewers to leave comments and inquiries. Many are looking to find their war buddies or the families of their war buddies. Some viewers tell of medical problems related to Agent Orange.

The list of names on the wall section of the Korean War Memorial contains names that should NOT be on the wall, as they were not KIA. Also the list is missing names that SHOULD be on the wall. In October of 2022 Hal and Ted received a request from the DOD for assistance. They sent the DOD a list of 500 names that should be added to the wall. They were hoping this would lead to further discussion of the remaining issues for the wall. However the response from the DOD was to close the door of cooperation.

Ted and Hal are very hopeful that the recent interest brought to light by various news outlets will assist in moving this mission ahead.

How to Reach Ted Barker and the Korean War Project 

Ted Barker provided his phone number and states that he personally answers the phone. PHONE:: 214-320-0342

The Korean War Project has a channel on Facebook  and Twitter.

From Wikipedia:

The Korean War was fought between North Korea and South Korea from 1950 to 1953. The war began on 25 June 1950 when North Korea invaded South Korea following clashes along the border and rebellions in South Korea. North Korea was supported by China and the Soviet Union while South Korea was supported by the United States and allied countries. The fighting ended with an armistice on 27 July 1953.

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