The following shows aired in August 2010. Click on the show date in the left column to listen to that show. Files are in MP3 format.
8/7/10 Door Gunner—Tom Fifield. The job of ‘door gunner’ originated during the Vietnam War. It was not particularly popular due to the danger of being exposed in an open door in a hot LZ. Tune in and join host Gary Lillie and door-gunner Tom Fifield, in country March 1971–March 1972. What was the life expectancy of a door gunner in a hot LZ?
8/14/10 GRUNTS: Inside The American Infantry Experience World War II to Iraq. They were known in romantic times as The Queen of Battle or simply Light Infantry. In modern times they have been called everything from foot soldiers to boots, mud-sloggers, legs, infantry, boonierats; but more often than not, “Grunts.”Join host Gary Lillie military historian/author John C. McManus as he tells stories of the ‘grunt’ from WWII up until today. You will learn that despite the image of wars being fought long-distance, they are not and never have been. It’s the troops on the ground that finally gets the job done with much sacrifice, commitment and honor.
8/21/10 Final Flight From Manduria. April 12, 1944 Chiquita Mia, a B24 Bomber, crashed in Yougoslovia. She was one of 9,949 American Bombers downed over Nazi occupied Europe during WWII. Of the 82,000 men on those planes, 70,000 died, 12,000 became prisoners of war. A few escaped in occupied countries, alive always with the help of anti-Nazi to shield them.Join author William B. Handford and host Dale Throneberry and learn the amazing and true story about the crew of Chiquita Mia. Who were these brave young men and what happened to them. You won’t want to miss this story.
8/28/10 ARMY WOUNDED WARRIOR PROGRAM. The ARMY WOUNDED WARRIOR PROGRAM (AW2) is committed to providing compassionate and personally tailored support and advocacy to severely wounded war warriors and their families registered as AW2.The AW2 connects these soldiers and their families with critically needed resources and champions their well-being. Join Melvin R. Kearney US Army AW2 advocate, Department of the Army, Army wounded warrior Ira Brownridge (veteran)and my self, Bob Gould, 1st Infantry, 101 Airborne, as we explore the AW2 Program. This is one program you need to know about.