February 13, 2022
This week’s one hour radio broadcast is pre-recorded.
Host Jim Fausone Interviews:
- General Larry O. Spencer, Author of “Dark Horse” and President of AFBA
Dark Horse & Armed Forces Benefit Association
Gen. Larry O. Spencer, USAF (ret)
Gen. Larry Spencer, USAF (Ret.) was born and raised on the Horseshoe—a tough inner-city street in southeast Washington, D.C. Both parents lived in the rural south under Jim Crow and “separate but equal” laws. Spencer’s father was a career Army soldier who lost his left hand during the Korean War, suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, and worked two jobs. His mother completed tenth grade, had no driver’s license, and was left alone during the week to raise their six children.
The Horseshoe was a hard neighborhood where fights were common, and the school systems were second-rate. The expectations of living in an all-Black neighborhood were to be good at sports while shunning academic prowess. Spencer met those expectations: he struggled in school, but teachers who did not want to see him repeat their class would pass him to the next grade. That environment resulted in poor self-esteem and a bleak outlook for the future.
Quite by chance, Spencer enlisted in the U.S. Air Force where he continued to struggle with the racial turmoil of the 1970s. A senior non-commissioned officer saw promise in Spencer and guided him to obtain a college degree and apply for Officer Training School where he excelled. As a very young first lieutenant, he was assigned to a tough job in the Pentagon, but Spencer earned an early reputation as a fast burner.
In 1990 he took command of a squadron that won accolades and awards for their performance during Operation Desert Shield/Storm. Spencer went on to serve at the White House, and then successfully commanded a Group and a Wing before being assigned as the chief financial officer (comptroller) for Air Combat Command, the largest command in the Air Force. During that assignment, Spencer was promoted to brigadier general and was tasked to set up a new Directorate at Air Force Materiel Command. Spencer later returned to the Pentagon where he led Air Force Budget. He ultimately became the Air Force’s thirty-seventh vice chief of staff, making him one of only nine African Americans promoted to four stars. Spencer concludes his historic climb with life lessons learned on his journey from the inner city to the Pentagon.
For Col. Spencer’s full biography and to order Dark Horse: www.generallarryspencer.com
Read on to learn about Col. Spencer’s latest challenge, as President of the Armed Forces Benefit Association (AFBA).
Armed Forces Benefit Association (AFBA)
Founded to Serve Our Great Nation
The Armed Forces Benefit Association (AFBA) was established in 1947 in the basement of the Pentagon with the support of the General of the Army, Dwight D. Eisenhower to ease the strain on military members and their families. At the time, life insurance that would pay a death benefit if the member was killed in combat was not available.
Today, AFBA continues to honor its mission, in war and peace, for those who serve this great nation including our military, emergency first responders, government employees and contractors, and their families. We continue promoting member’s welfare through death benefits and other member benefits.
AFBA is proud to serve nearly 650,000 members and has paid nearly $2 billion in death benefits since inception. AFBA death benefits are funded by life insurance underwritten by 5Star Life Insurance Company (“5Star Life”).
Access to life insurance and other non-life insurance member benefits
- 24/7 coverage with NO war or terrorism exclusions.
- Coverage on and off duty with no hazardous, line of duty or occupational restrictions.
- Expedited death benefit.
- Optional spouse and child coverage.
- Survivor Scholarship (not available in Virginia).
- Additional travel, health, and financial service discounts and programs. (None of these benefits are paid for by AFBA).
Proven Leadership
Our Board of Directors reflects the diversity of our markets and is comprised of retired senior flag and non-commissioned military officers from all branches and the National Guard as well as former First Responder and private industry business leaders.
- Counseling
- Job placement
- Case management
- Employment assistance
- Drug and alcohol-free housing
For More Information:
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