Tim Kotulak and Bryan Clark

This week’s one hour radio broadcast includes host Jim Fausone and his guests:

  • Tim Kotulak, Navy – Michigan business owner and champion for Team Rubicon
  • Bryan Clark, Navy – Director, Hudson Center for Defense Concepts and Technology
Tim Kotulak and Team Rubicon

Tim Kotulak (far right) and Team Rubicon Members

Tim Kotulak and Why He Serves with Team Rubicon 

Navy veteran talks about his mental health challenges, life after service, and finding a better life that includes voluntering with Team Rubicon. Tim Kotulak deployed with Team Rubicon to Florida after Hurricane Ian and talks about the work and experience with host Jim Fausone.

If Tim’s story has inspired you to inquire about serving with Team Rubicon, you can find more information in the link below.

Team Rubicon | Built to Serve

Bryan Clark Navy Hudson Institute

Bryan Clark – Center for Defense Concepts and Technology

Bryan Clark of the Hudson Institute reveals US Navy ship planning and procurement issues including the failed LCS platform and building to address the rise of China’s navy.

The LCS Fleet’s Short Life

In 2016 the USS Detroit commander was on Veterans Radio talking about the new LCS ships and what great promise the design held. Now in 2023, the Navy is scrapping most of the LCS fleet because of lack of effectiveness and maintenance costs. Bryan Clark , Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute talks to host Jim Fausone about the problems the LCS have and the costly boondoogle this platform became. Clark also provides insight to the Chinese naval forces and what the US Navy is doing to counter the Chinese buildup.

From the Hudson Institute website …

Bryan Clark is a senior fellow and director of the Center for Defense Concepts and Technology at Hudson Institute. He is an expert in naval operations, electronic warfare, autonomous systems, military competitions, and wargaming.

From 2013 to 2019, Mr. Clark was a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) where he led studies for the DoD Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense, and Defense Advanced Research Products Agency on new technologies and the future of warfare.

More Information from the Hudson Institute 

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