Navy Seal Don Mann & George Perrault Honor Guard at Arlington

Host Dale Throneberry and guests:

Don Mann – Former Seal Team Six Navy Seal and Author, Speaker, Adventurer

George Perrault – Honor Guard for JFK’s Funeral at Arlington

2023 Nov 19 Mann and Perrault

Don Frogmann – Former Navy SEAL

Mann’s impressive military biography includes being a decorated combat veteran; Corpsman; SEAL Special Operations Technician; jungle survival, desert survival, and arctic survival instructor; small arms weapons instructor, foreign weapons instructor, armed and unarmed defense tactics, advanced hand-to-hand combat instructor; and Survival, Evade, Resistance and Escape Instructor; in addition to other credentials.

Mann is the author of 22 books including the New York Times Best Selling autobiography Inside SEAL Team SIX: My Life and Missions with America’s Elite Warriors.

When Osama bin Laden was assassinated, the entire world was fascinated by the men who had completed the seemingly impossible mission that had dogged the U.S. government for over a decade. SEAL Team SIX became synonymous with heroism, duty, and justice. Only a handful of the elite men who make up the SEALs, the U.S. Navy’s best and bravest, survive the legendary and grueling selection process that leads to SEAL Team SIX, a group so classified it technically does not even exist. There are no better warriors on earth.

More information on

NAVY VETERAN Perrault – honor guard for jfK

Gary Lillie’s interview with Navy veteran George Perrault. George was part of the honor guard after President Kennedy’s assassination who stood over his casket in the Capital Rotunda.

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