Mike Sarraille and Senator Gary Peters

Dale Throneberry hosts our guests:

  • Mike Sarraille, Navy SEAL (ret)
  • Senator Gary Peters, Michigan (D) and Chair of Homeland Security and Member of Appropriations Committees in the Senate
Mike Sarraille The Everyday Warrior
the_everyday_warrior_book mike sarraille

Mike Sarraille Reflects on Military Years and Moving On to Civilian Life

During his 20-year career, he served as a Recon Marine, Scout-Sniper, and retired a U.S. Navy SEAL Officer. Much of his career was in the Special Operations community, including the elite Joint Special Operations Command. Along with careers in the military and business, Mike co-authored the best-selling book, The Talent War: How Special Operations and Great Organizations Win on Talent, and enjoys a partnership with Men’s Journal as columnist and host of The Everyday Warrior series and podcast.

For more information about Mike

Mike’s Latest Book “Everyday Warrior”

As an Everyday Warrior, you’ll learn to transform setbacks into valuable lessons, turn small victories into remarkable achievements, and embrace the freedom of knowing that success isn’t the destination—it’s simply part of the journey.

Link to Review and Purchase on Amazon

Sen Gary Peters D MI

Senator Gary Peters of Michigan

Gary volunteered for the U.S. Navy Reserve at age 34, where he earned a Seabee Combat Warfare Specialist designation and rose to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. After the September 11th terrorist attacks on our country, he volunteered again for drilling status and served overseas as part of his Reserve duty. He later earned a diploma from the College of Naval Command and Staff, U.S. Naval War College.

In the U.S. Senate, Peters has led numerous efforts to support our military and veterans. He authored bipartisan legislation that was signed into law to expand apprenticeship opportunities for veterans and allow the use of GI Bill benefits to complete skilled training. Peters also wrote the Fairness for Veterans law that allowed veterans who were unfairly denied the benefits needed to treat invisible wounds of war to receive care for traumas like PTSD. Since Fairness for Veterans became law, thousands of veterans have utilized Peters’ bill to access benefits and care.

The PACT Act for Veterans AND Their Survivors

The PACT Act will deliver VA health care and benefits to all generations of toxic-exposed veterans — and their survivors — for the first time in our nation’s history.

Here is a great article on the PACT Act that includes Kevin Hensley, Air Force veteran and PACT Act advocate.

From the Senator’s website …

In the 117th Congress, Gary serves as Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and on the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee.

For more information about Senator Peters

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