November 21, 2021
Hosts Dale Throneberry and Jim Fausone and guests:
- Doug and Pamla Sterner, authors
- Sherry Diccion, Senior Manager of Global Supplier Diversity for Adient
"Beyond Belief" and Sherry Diccion of Adient

Beyond Belief: True Stories of Military Chaplains
“Beyond Belief” is a unique compilation of short stories by a team of authors and researchers.
Herein you will find some of the most amazing stories ever told, each of them presented in an historically factual manner without hyperbole or literary license. Even more amazing is the fact that each of these stories is TRUE! The scene illustrated on the cover was chosen as a fitting example of what kind of stories we wanted to write for this book, and is a vivid and historically accurate depiction of a World War II event that in which four Army chaplains, each from different faiths, bonded based on what they had in common, to become close friends. The four gave their lives in the North Atlantic when their troop ship was sunk, going so far as to give their lifejackets to other men who had none. They became enshrined as “The Four Immortal Chaplains,” whose story is inspiring for decades.
Within these pages you will find other stories of heroic Men of God who did unbelievable acts of courage and compassion.
These are the stories that will leave you shaking your head in disbelief, proving as one author once wrote, “Truth is not only stranger than fiction, but far more interesting.”
To purchase this book: amazon.com
The Authors of Beyond Belief
Dwight Jon Zimmerman is an award-winning #1 New York Timesbestselling author. In a career spanning more than forty years in the publishing industry he has written everything from comic books (for Marvel Comics and DC Comics) to hundreds of military history articles and more than two dozen books. His book FIRST COMMAND, about the first commands of famous generals, was an award-winning documentary aired on the Military Channel. He co-authored UNCOMMON VALOR The Medal of Honor and the Warriors Who Earned it in Afghanistan and Iraqwhich won the Military Writer Society’s Founder’s Award, the organization’s highest honor, and was the first book to contain the complete history of the Medal of Honor. A former president of the Military Writers Society of America, he lives in Brooklyn, NY.
Doug Sterner is a decorated former Army Combat Engineer who served two tours of duty in Vietnam. He is a Life Member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and in 2012 was enrolled as an Honorary Life Member of the Legion of Valor. Pamla Sterner, while a student at CSU-Pueblo, authored “The Stolen Valor Act” which she and Doug shepherded through Congress, as well as hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court in what became a landmark 2012 First Amendment decision. Together they have published over 10 books.

Sherry Diccion, Sr Mgr of Global Supplier Diversity, Adient
Adient is a global manufacturer providing world class seat systems and components that offer safety, functionality, and comfort with proven quality. They have facilities located in Asia Pacific, Africa, Latin America, North America and Europe.
Sherry Diccion is the Senior Manager of Global Supplier Diversity at Adient.
What is Supplier Diversity?
A diverse business is defined as a company that is certified to be at least 51 percent owned, managed and controlled by one or more minority persons, or non-minority women, or a small business that conforms to guidelines established by the U.S. Small Business Administration, or a historically underutilized business based on local country definitions. We require diverse suppliers to register with us and hold a diverse business certification.
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