CMOHS, NVBDC, and The Patriot Promise Foundation
This week’s show includes guests from the Congressional Medal of Honor Society (CMOHS), the National Veteran Business Development Council (NVBDC), and the Patriot Promise Foundation.
Dale speaks with Laura Jowdy, Medal of Honor historian and resident archivist from the CMOHS. Laura’s role is to ‘keep the memory of our nation’s heroes alive.’ You can learn more about Laura and her work here, and learn more about the CMOHS here.
Dale also speaks with former Air Force General Bob Taylor, founder of the Patriot Promise Foundation. Bob is a former B-52 navigator, veteran of the Gulf War, and author of “From Service to Success,” a roadmap of how other veterans and their families can find their new purpose.
We also hear from NVBDC founder and CEO Keith King, who speaks with host Jim Fausone. Keith is a US Army and Vietnam War Veteran, has over 40 years of experience in advertising and public relations, and has an extensive background of lobbying for and assisting veterans with the transition from military to civilian life.

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