The following shows aired in December 2012. Click on the show date in the left column to listen to that show. Files are in MP3 format.
12/22/12USO Show. What do Bob Hope, Marilyn Monroe and Toby Keith have in common? They have all performed on a USO tour. Since World War II the USO has been sending entertainers around the world to entertain our troops. But the USO is much more than that. Join us this week on Veterans Radio with our guest USO Senior Vice President and Air Force Veteran John Hanson. We’ll be taking a look at the history of the USO and how it has changed over the years.
12/1/12 | Dead Men Flying. Our guest this week on Veterans Radio is Major General Patrick H. Brady who spent over 34 years in the Army serving in stations all over the world. He is one of America’s most decorated veterans.
While in Vietnam he was awarded the Medal of Honor for a series of rescues during which he used 3 helicopters to rescue over 60 wounded. At the end of the day his aircraft had over 400 holes in them from enemy fire and mines. In two tours in Vietnam he flew over 2500 combat missions and rescued over 5000 wounded. Gen. Brady is the only living Army veteran of Vietnam to hold both the Medal of Honor and the Distinguished Service Cross, our nation’s second highest award. His other awards include two Distinguished Service Medals; the Defense Superior Service Medal; the Legion of Merit; six Distinguished Flying Crosses; two Bronze Stars, one for valor; the Purple Heart and 53 Air Medals, one for valor. He is a member of both the Army Aviation and Dust Off Halls of Fame. He recently published with his daughter Meghan, a veteran of the war in Iraq, a book, Dead Men Flying, which covers his experiences with the origin and execution of Aero Medical evacuation in Viet Nam, called Dust Off, the greatest battlefield life saver in history. Don’t miss Major General Patrick H. Brady this week on Veternas Radio. |
12/8/12 | Missing Dog Tags: An American GI in North Korea. Our guest this week on Veterans Radio is Ken Eaton, author of Missing Dog Tags, a true story of escape, evasion and recapture told by an American prisoner of war in North Korea. The Korean War is known as “The Forgotten War”, but you don’t want to miss this amazing true story of American ingenuity and survival.
Ken Eaton was captured by the Chinese in Korea in on February 11, 1951, but he never gave up. He escaped three times and was recaptured three times. He survived 30 months as an escapee and finally a POW in Chinese Communist Camp # 5 at Pyoktong in North Korea. He wrote down his experiences of brutal treatment and starvation, along with episodes of kindness, shortly after he came home. The Korean War is little known. The experiences of that wars’ POW’s even less so. Eaton’s book fills in that gap and shows us an American we can be proud of. Don’t miss Former Korean POW Ken Eaton this week on Veterans Radio. |
12/15/12 | What does your veteran want for Christmas this year? Maybe a great book, music, leather flight jacket or what? Join Veterans Radio this Saturday to hear about all kinds of great presents for veterans and active duty military.You’ll hear from authors, musicians, military clothing and memorabilia business owners, and veterans groups gathering gifts for hospitalized veterans and their families.
Have a business, a product or support group you’d like to promote? Give us a call this Saturday morning or contact Veterans Radio. |
12/29/12 | AT EASE. A compelling memoir, and an action-packed, teen angst and alienation, urban-fantasy novel are the books discussed as AT EASE Dwight Zimmerman rings out the old year. It’s a surprising author mix, but tune in and you’ll see why we did it.
Stand To—A Journey to Manhood. E. Franklin Evans had watched every war movie John Wayne ever made, sometimes several times over. When the “Duke” led his men, war was exciting and heroes were made as they ruggedly fought and predictably won each battle. But when Evans’ high school friend and real-life hero Glenn was killed in Vietnam, war became real and personal. In December 1966, at age nineteen he enlisted in the U.S. Army and soon found himself entrenched in a treacherous war. In his journey from adolescence to adulthood, he learned not only to survive but also to muster the bravery to lead others in combat. It took Evans more than thirty-five years to begin to heal the physical and emotional wounds that kept him from sharing his intensely personal story. From his depiction of the picturesque aerial view of Cam Rahn Bay to that of the barbed wire, metal planking, and squat huts housing weapons, Evans’ Stand To provides a vividly detailed glimpse into what it was like to become a man on the battlefields of Vietnam. BLOOD FEUD—If you have a teenage daughter or granddaughter, or know someone who does, here’s a book worth paying attention to. Sixteen-year-old Goth girl Pandora Zwieback has a major problem: she’s discovered she’s the only one who suddenly sees her hometown of New York City for what it really is—the stomping ground for every monster and ghoul out to raise a little hell (literally!). As Pan struggles with a huge one-of-a-kind identity crisis (and all sorts of alienation issues with her peers), she finds herself caught in the middle of a war between rival vampire clans from Japan, London, and Eastern Europe all after the same prize: a mysterious crate recently delivered to the horror-themed museum owned by her father. Author Steven A. Roman has crafted a fast-paced, mayhem-filled, angst and alienation ridden, critically acclaimed adventure that is also a lot of fun, even if it does at times get kinda messy. |