Caregiver Resource PLUS Thuhang Goes to America Following the Fall of Saigon

Host Dale Throneberry

Feeling Helpless as a Caregiver?

warriors and caregivers unitedJoin host Dale Throneberry as he interviews Lauren Bowen from Warriors and Caregivers United to talk about the organization and upcoming fundraisers and events.

Mission Statement

Warriors and Caregivers United in supporting, connecting, and helping one another.

Our Mission

  • Embrace Warriors and Caregivers in a nonjudgmental, safe, and unassuming environment.
  • Develop acceptance of existing resources and systems to educate and promote utilization.
  • Assist children in understanding the effects of PTSD on their loved ones.
  • Encourage and support development of new and old relationships.
  • Provide venues for the gathering of the WACU community.

A Powerful True Story of Unshakeable Hope and Triumph Over Adversity

Standing Up After SaigonSharing an extraordinary journey of resilience and love through overwhelming hardship, Standing up after Saigon: The Triumphant Story of Hope, Determination, and Reinvention is the memoir of Thuhang Tran as told by author Sharon Orlopp.

Contracting polio at age two and falling victim to the oppressive regime that overtook Saigon after its fall in the Vietnam War, Thuhang has led anything but an easy, ordinary life. Her father, Chinh, was lost to Thuhang and her family in the evacuations from Saigon, and for fifteen long years they remained separated—but desperate to reunite. Standing Up After Saigon explores a family struggling for reunion and tells the story of a young woman growing up without the ability to walk, determined to live life to the fullest. Thuhang has remained hopeful and resilient through all the seemingly impossible hurdles she’s faced and lives today to inspire those around her to find strength through perseverance.  Read more here.

Both a solemn reminder and inspiring account of humanity and perseverance, Thuhang’s story reminds us of our innate human ability to dream, hope, and do whatever it takes to flourish.

Kevin Turner | Retired COO, Microsoft

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