Army Aviation – April 18, 2021
This week’s one hour radio broadcast with host Dale Throneberry has three veterans who share his passion for helicopters.
- Ken Tilley, Ft. Rucker Army Aviation Historian
- Kate Melcher, Apache Longbow Attack Helicopter pilot
- Phil Marshall, Medevac Pilot in Vietnam
Army Aviation - Rotorhead Special Program

Army Aviation Center of Excellence, Fort Rucker, Alabama
Ken Tilley, Branch Historian from the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence, joins Dale to tell us about the Army Aviation Center’s mission: train, educate, develop Army Aviation professionals and integrate indispensable Aviation capabilities across warfighting functions in support of commanders and soldiers on the ground.
The mission of USAG Fort Rucker is to provide Soldiers, Civilians and their Families with a quality of life commensurate with the quality of their service.

Kate Melcher – TH-67 Flight Training

Flight Training for Kate Melcher and Phil Marshall
Former Army aviators Kate Melcher, an AH 64D-Apache Longbow Attack Helicopter, and Phil Marshall, a Medivac Pilot in Vietnam, talk with Dale about their experiences during flight training right up to the day they soloed.
Today Kate is the Executive Director of Fisher House Michigan and Phil is an author and speaker and member of American Huey 369, Inc.

Helicopter Rescues in Vietnam
Another 22 Helicopter Rescue missions from the Vietnam War as told by the very youthful aircrews who flew those missions in their wondrous machines. All stories are told with no holds barred. Climb into the aircraft with them and re-live their “adventures”!
Phil Marshall was a 21 year old Warrant Officer Huey Dustoff pilot in Vietnam – 237th Medical Detachment. In November of 1969, he was wounded on an insecure night rescue of 3 seriously wounded soldiers. Due to the nature of his wounds, he was returned to the States where he served out the rest of his enlistment and was Honorably Discharged.
Marshall’s ever-growing series of Vietnam Helicopter Rescues documents the helicopter rescue missions that were flown by very youthful crews. The stories are all told by the men who flew the missions and are not embellished. They are as true as they can be remembered; a truly amazing series of missions flown by very humble men doing uncommon things.
For more information: Facebook.com/HelicopterRescuesVietnam
To purchase a book: Amazon.com
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