Helping Veterans through the Pandemic COVID-19

Host Dale Throneberry

VeteransMatter.Org Provides Shelter for Homeless Veterans

There are over 37,787 veterans on the streets without a permanent place to live.  

Veterans Matter is an innovative cloud-based rapid-response system – partnered with the VA’s Homeless Veterans program (HUD/VASH) – which allows the homeless veteran to get housed in literally minutes rather than the 30 to 60 days normally required to obtain the deposit. Essentially your donation is used as a deposit paid directly to the landlord to allow the veteran or veteran family to cross the threshold into a warm place called home for a fresh start.

For more information go to

“Buddy Check” – American Legion

The National Executive Committee of the American Legion passed Resolution 18 during Spring Meetings in May 2019. The resolution calls for Buddy Checks to be conducted Legion-wide on the weeks of The American Legion’s birthday, March 15, and Veterans Day. However, American Legion posts are encouraged to perform this vital function whenever it makes the most sense in their communities.

From their website: The idea is to reconnect with veterans who may need assistance but don’t know where to go or who to ask. These contacts may be made by a personal visit, phone or email, or a combination. The important part is to reach out to veterans in your community to let them know you care and can provide whatever assistance they may need. It’s what we do for our battle buddies.

For more information go to

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