USS Detroit LCS 7 and VA Healthcare in Time of Need

Join Jim Fausone and his guests:

  • Major Chris Morse (ret)
  • CDR Michael Desmond, Commanding Officer of the USS Detroit

USS Detroit - LCS 7 and VA Healthcare

Hosted by Jim Fausone

USS Detroit LCS 7

Image provided by the Detroit Free Press

USS Detroit 

With the commissioning of the USS Detroit this week in Detroit Jim talks with CDR Michael Desmond, the Commanding Officer of the USS Detroit, a Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), tells us about the 6th navy ship to be named after Detroit and the capabilities of these fast, small , flexible new war fighting ships.

Medical Care at the VA

Chris Morse served in the Navy and Army and was medically retired as a Major. He discusses how the Army after 17 years of service took care of him when he received a cancer diagnosis, subsequent VA experiences and his running for office.

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