June 7, 2020
This week’s one hour radio broadcast is a blockbuster!
Dale interviews John Hollis, author of “Sgt. Rodney Davis, The Making of a Hero”. In his book he recalls the life of a young Marine from Macon, Georgia who served in Vietnam, was killed in action and awarded the Medal of Honor.
If you are a business owner and a veteran, you will be interested in the interview with Brig. General Dick Miller (ret), President of National Veteran Business Development Council, a certifying non-profit organization.
"Sgt. Rodney Davis - The Making of a Hero" & NVBDC
Sgt. Rodney Davis, KIA, “The Making of a Hero”
The book begins with details of Davis’ life growing up in Macon, and includes local history going back to the Civil War. Author John Hollis talks at length about Jim Crow laws that kept blacks, including Davis, from eating inside restaurants, as well as other forms of segregation and racial oppression.
Davis joined the Marines in 1961 and had a nice job providing security at the U.S. embassy in London when he volunteered to go to Vietnam.
Honor. Courage. Commitment. These are the pillars of United States Marine Corps values.
So why Sgt. Rodney M. Davis lunged atop that enemy grenade at the expense of his own life on Sept. 6, 1967 is the quintessential question that has haunted not only those who stood closest to him at that critical moment, but his own family and friends for over fifty years now.
Why would a young African-American with a beautiful wife and two infant children eagerly awaiting his return home from Vietnam commit such a noble and courageous, yet sacrificial act? And for Marines he barely knew if at all? And for a country that often treated him like a second-class citizen at the time?
National Veteran Business Development Council
The NVBDC views entrepreneurship as another form of employment and we believe that helping our veterans succeed in business helps them, their families and the communities in which they reside.
NVBDC promotes the certification value proposition to include certified Service-Disabled/Veteran Owned Businesses (SD/VOBs) in diversity and inclusion procurement practices and policies of corporations through networking events, educational sessions, 1:1 matchmaking, mentoring programs and on-site training. The NVBDC is the only Veteran Owned Business Certification organization developed by Veterans, for Veterans.
The purpose is to provide a credible and reliable certifying authority for all size businesses ensuring that valid documentation exists of Veteran ownership and control.
For more information: www.nvbdc.org
National Medal of Honor Day

The United States Congress has designated March 25th of each year as National Medal of Honor Day, a day dedicated to Medal of Honor recipients. (Public Law 101-564)
The date of March 25th was chosen to highlight this special day because it was on March 25, 1863, that the first Medals of Honor were presented to six members of Andrews’ Raiders, all soldiers from Ohio.
On our site there are readings of Medal of Honor stories, produced and recorded by Ken Rogge for Veterans Radio. Click on the MORE INFORMATION button to listen to these stories.
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