Veteran Benefits - May 2018
Memorial Day – Who Was Your Service Buddy?
Here is Dale Throneberry’s personal story of his best friend from flight school at Ft. Wolters.
I met Ray Schrader in January of 1968 on the first day of flight school at Ft. Wolters, Texas. We were both from New Jersey. In fact, he lived not far from my grandfather’s house in Pt. Pleasant, New Jersey. He ended up being my best friend for almost 50 years. He died a few years ago of what I believe were complications of his exposure to Agent Orange. Ray Schrader is at the top of the list of those I think about most on Memorial Day.
See you at the parade!
Who Do You Remember on Memorial Day?
Leave your story in the comments below. We will read your story on air on Sunday, May 27th.

Ray and Dale in Vietnam – 1968

Ray and Dale at VHPA in 2006
Veterans Benefits – Monthly Program of Q&A
What questions do you have for Michael Smith, Director of the Washtenaw County Department of Veteran Affairs? Call in between 5:00pm and 5:30pm EST on Sunday, May 27th.
- Disability Compensation
- Healthcare
- Memorial
- Education
- Home Loans
- Pensions
- Employment
- Life Insurance
- Spouses, Dependents, Survivors
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