Helping Veterans and their Families

Captain C. Robert Arvin
First Captain Brigade Commander

Helping Veterans and Their Families
Join Dale Throneberry and his guests to learn about unique programs that support veterans and their families.
“Where The Brave Dare to Tread” chronicles the life of Captain C. Robert “Bob” Arvin. A native of Ypsilanti, Michigan, Bob Arvin was an Ypsilanti High School Valedictorian, State Champion Wrestler, President of his class, and much more. Spurning Ivy League offers, Arvin set his sites on West Point. Bob Arvin would become West Point’s Brigade Commander in 1965, and later would heroically give his life for his country in the fields of Vietnam. Captain C. Robert Arvin was so respected at West Point, that the Cadet Training and Physical Development Center was named in his honor. This film is a celebration of a great American soldier, husband, son, and friend.
Bob’s story has become so sought-after, that a copy of this DVD has been donated to each of the 401 public libraries in Bob’s home state of Michigan. There is an effort now, to put a copy of the film in every high school in Michigan. Please help us meet that goal by contributing to the “Bob Arvin Story to High Schools” campaign at their GOFUNDME page.
You can also learn more about Captain Arvin at
Horse Therapy for PTSD
The numbers are staggering and tragic: 20 veterans lose their lives to suicide each day.
An upcoming three-part feature video series focuses on the critical and highly effective role that horses, including retired racehorses, play in addressing the epidemic of U.S. military veterans returning from combat with PTSD. The docu-digital series, produced by ABR Films, focuses on three distinct non-profit programs dedicated to better serving veterans through equine therapy:
- The Man O’ War Project at Columbia University Irving Medical Center – the first clinical research trial to establish a standardized manual for using equine therapy to treat veterans with PTSD and to test the effectiveness of equine therapy for such treatment.
- Squirrelwood Equine Sanctuary – equine assisted psychotherapy program for veterans and their families.
- Heroes & Horses – a three-phase re-integration program using expedition style horse-pack trips for veterans. This three-part video series will be published by America’s Best Racing in the run-up to the 2018 Kentucky Derby per the following schedule:Monday, April 30 – Squirrelwood Equine Sanctuary
Wednesday, May 2 – Man O’ War Project by Columbia University
Friday, May 4 – Heroes & Horses
Veterans Community Project
Mr. Chris Stout, CEO of this 501c3 organization, will join Dale to talk about what they have done so far to address the homelessness of our veterans and what they are planning to do in the future, both short and long term.
For more information and to donate or shop at their store go to
The Veterans Community Project (VCP) is on a mission to eliminate Veteran homelessness by providing transitional-housing and enabling access to exceptional 360-degree service solutions. Focusing first on the Greater-Kansas City area, VCP aspires to use Kansas City as the blueprint for achieving similar successes in cities across the United States. VCP has a long-term goal of eliminating Veteran homelessness nationwide.
All Gave Some. Some Gave All. Always Remember.