As of 1 April 2014, our contract with WDEO was not renewed and effective immediately Veterans Radio will no longer be heard on their stations. But fear not, until we find a new land based home we will start broadcasting again as soon as possible on the internet through our website

This was a complete surprise to us, although not that unheard of in radio. Seven years on one station is a pretty good run. As our former partner and friend, Navy Seebee Gary Lillie, always said “Seebees Can Do”. And we “can do” because we have to. We have more stories to tell, and more veterans to help and more books to talk about and share with you.

Another plus is we have you, a loyal listening audience who we know will follow us wherever we go.

If any of you can think of a station that needs a great show for veterans let us know. If you know anyone or you are the one who has the skills and knowledge to set up an internet radio station contact us ASAP.

We could never have produced almost 500 Veterans Radio programs over the last ten years without all of you. We have only been able to do this because of your loyalty and devotion to our cause, ” Veterans.”

In the meantime we are going to be posting some our favorite programs on our website and you can always listen to our programs in our archives. Let us know what your favorites are and we’ll put them up front on our site for you enjoyment.