Glory Denied - October 2017

Glory Denied is one of the most unforgettable and heartbreaking books ever written about the Vietnam War.
Glory Denied is the harrowing and heroic story of Floyd “Jim” Thompson, captured in March 1964, who became the longest-held prisoner of war in American history. Tom Philpott juxtaposes Thompson’s capture, torture, and multiple escape attempts with the trials of his young wife, Alyce, who, feeling trapped, made choices that forever tied her fate to the war she despised. “One of the most honest books ever written about Vietnam” (Oliver Stone), Glory Denied demands that we rethink the definition of a true American hero.
Our guest is author Tom Philpott. Tom is a syndicated columnist and freelancer writer. His weekly column, “Military Update,” appears in more than forty daily newspapers in the United States and overseas.
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