Join host Jim Fausone and his guests:
Nick Cook, Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency’s Director of Targeted Outreach will join us in the first segment to discuss services available by the State of Michigan to veterans. A lot has changed in the last few years and the MVAA is now covering more ground and has a broader mission.
The Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency has responsibilities for the administration and operation of the Michigan Veterans Trust Fund, Michigan Veterans Homeowners Assistance Program, the Michigan Homes for Veterans, constituent service or referral and the state’s grant to chartered veterans’ service organizations and the Michigan Association of County Veterans Counselors.
Judge Brian MacKenzie of the Novi District Court will be our guest in the second segment to discuss the purpose and nature of Veteran’s Treatment Courts and how they operate. Veteran’s Treatment Courts are to keep veterans out of jail for nonviolent offense through a tightly supervised counseling and mentor program. Judge MacKenzie will discuss the why, the how and the effectiveness of these courts.